The hunter call of the wild how to change maps
The hunter call of the wild how to change maps

the hunter call of the wild how to change maps

IMO diamonds are pure luck and having zones or killing x number of animals has no affect on spawning more diamonds on your map. I know there was a thread about diamonds recently and some don't even have that with more/similar hours. I have killed loads of 4 and 8 animals but only have 21 or 22 diamonds after 700+ hrs. If what you say is correct about 1 of each animal being a diamond (which I have no idea) It wouldn't make sense to me killing high level animals spawning higher level animals. I know Flinter was trying this for ages but even he has now admitted he still has no idea how it works. +1 on getting your first diamond I don't believe anyone knows how the spawns work (as it should be) but I have never had any luck with killing a 4 and that turning to a 5 and 8 into 9. Others are never be diamond with level 4 or 8 I know. Those with level 4 and maximum weight/trophy interval can be 950 diamond. + I think Blackbuck, Wildebeest, Kudu and Gensbok is easiest animals for diamond cause they have some level 4 diamond. Keep going your hard work than that may work. But you know, there are at least one diamond for each animal in your map. I've kill tons of Mythical red deer at one need zone every day but they always came back as Mythical one again. I've never met diamond one like that way. If you take the animals that has just below diamond level like 8(Mythical) or 4(Easy), that will proooooooooobably respawn to 9 or 5 level one. I've heard somewhere that kill high level makes high level respawn. But take care of your reserve, finding many need zone and big herd may can help you. Originally posted by lactualy:First of all, congratulation for your diamond bro! Basically finding diamond is all about luck.

The hunter call of the wild how to change maps