Harris, et al., World Scientific, Singapore, 1993. Schroeder and Zu Xin Yu, “Fractional Luminosity Near Maximum Energy in the Presence of Beamstrahlung,” in Physics and Experiments with Linear e+e- Colliders, ed. Schroeder, “Renormalization,” in the Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics, Macmillan, New York, 1996. Schroeder, “A different approach to introducing statistical mechanics,” Am. Review of Atmospheric Thermodynamics by Craig F.Schroeder, “Interactive molecular dynamics,” Am. Schroeder, “The variational-relaxation algorithm for finding quantum bound states,” Am. PDF of published version.I have also posted two slide sets that cover much of the same material, from presentations given atthe 20 summer meetings of the AAPT. Schroeder, “Entanglement isn’t just for spin,” Am. Schroeder, and Bruce Thomas,“Quantum matrix diagonalization visualized,” Am. Review of Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet by Tom Murphy, American Journal of Physics 89, 897-898 (2021).Notes on Quantum Mechanics(unpublished, 2022) is a draft textbook for a one-semester undergraduate course in Quantum Mechanics.Physics Simulations in Java (unpublished, 2011) and PhysicsSimulations in Python (unpublished, 2018) are two versions of a lab manual that I wrote for our Scientific Computing course.An Introduction to Thermal Physics, Addison-Wesley (now Pearson), 1999.Schroeder, Addison-Wesley (now CRC Press), 1995. An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, by Michael E.

My research in high-energy physics has been mainly on beam-beam interactionsat future linear colliders.I have supervised a variety of undergraduate student projects in theoretical andcomputational physics, and am always interested in talking with students aboutnew projects.

Physics 2710, Introductory Modern Physics.

Phone: (801) 626-6048 (messages are checked infrequently) Schroeder Department of Physics and Astronomy